The Hounds of Boxerville

Thomas and I were invited by Mark and Sue Pepe to join a group of letterboxers for a Pinecone Adventure to Dartmoor. This is the third Pinecone Adventure to the Moors and our first. We are so incredibly happy and honored to be traveling with this group to the birthplace of letterboxing. Our trip takes place from August 28 - September 11, 2014. This blog will chronicle the trip as well as activities before and after the trip.

Pinecone Adventures Returns to the Moor with The Hounds of Boxerville.

The road in front of us grew bleaker and wilder over huge russet and olive slopes, sprinkled with giant boulders. Now and then we passed a moorland cottage, walled and roofed with stone, with no creeper to break its harsh outline.
- from The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Change and More Information

Well, it's the end of April and the Dartmoor trip is getting closer. At the beginning of this month I made a trip to Arizona for an event that was held because Mark & Sue Pepe were visiting. Since Sedona really isn't that far I decided to make the trip, get some letterboxing in and get to visit with the Pepes. That took the first week of the month and when I got back I continued with reading some of the books I had ordered and did more research on rental cars and hotels.
There hasn't been much information on the Talk List. I know Mark P. had the Arizona trip to deal with and I guess everyone else was busy with other things as well. One thing that did come up was a question about how much walking we would be doing each day on the trip. It seems that we will probably be averaging about 4 miles per day. Not too bad!

We also had some changes in the members of the trip. Moonstone has had to drop out and we got someone new. Lampwick is now coming on the trip taking moonstone's place. So we are still at the same number of members which is 18.

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