First of all I have finally reserved a car for the last part of the trip. I am using 5th Gear - the same company Mark P. used for the vans.

Mark P. also asked if anyone would have a cell phone with a UK calling plan. Originally moonstone was going to have one but she had to drop out. I volunteered our phone since we need it to contact our friends and keep in touch with family here. We will get reimbursed for any calls the group makes, so no problem. Since Thomas is driving one of the vans I asked Mark P. for the route that we will be taking to Dartmoor. I wanted to get familiar with it so that I can help Thomas navigate. He sent it to me right away and it looks pretty easy, so we are all set on that point.
There was one more change in membership and that is Whiz Gee is no longer going on the trip - so that takes us down to 17. Unless Mark P. has added someone that I didn't hear about. Anyway it looks like we are all set with who is going on the trip now because I think it is too late to back out (at least without losing all your money). We also got reminders of some things we should bring with us - passport, water bottles, hiking boots, prescription medicine and electrical converters.

Final payments have been made for the airfare and we will get our etickets at the beginning of August. I also sent Mark P. the balance for the vans and cottage. So that means most of all the trip has been paid for and we will just have to pay for a few things while on the trip. When we arrive at the airport we will need to give Mark P. some cash - $35 for a couple of things he paid for in advance and £50 for the kitty.
We started packing (sort of) by putting things we need to bring on the trip but don't need now in a box and we checked those things off of our packing list. I have also gotten about 3/4 of the things on my to do list done. So I think the rest of the time leading up to our departure will be pretty relaxing with only a few things to get done.